Getting ready for 2021

It's that time of year, when the post office is overwhelmed with packages and the stacks of books to read start growing.

That's right, it's getting on to be awards season!

2020 has been Absolutely The Worst™, and we're all feeling the weight of pandemic life on our shoulders. Many of us have taken this as an opportunity to catch up on reading and writing, whether that be works of extreme emotional depth to build in ourselves feelings of connection, or works of uplifting fiction to remind us that good things exist, too.

The Cóyotl Awards exist to recognize these works of anthropomorphic literature. Members of the Furry Writers' Guild nominate and vote on the best works published during the year of 2020.

This year, nominations will be open from January 1 until March 15 at midnight, Pacific time. Voting will take place from March 20 until April 30 at midnight, Pacific time.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the coming year with COVID-19 still looming over us all, the final date and venue for the announcement of winners has yet to be chosen, but keep an eye out here for more information.

Rememeber to stay safe, stay home whenever possible, wear a mask, and wash your hands!

And, of course, keep reading.

Madison Scott-Clary
Cóyotl Awards Chair